Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Original Food West Java

If you vacation in western Java , it could not hurt you taste the typical food of the area. West Java other than the famous Sundanese and peyeum Bandung , there are also regional specialties is very special and is very famous . The following is a sample of 10 western Java cuisine :

1. Peyeum Bandung


Peuyeum a traditional Indonesian food , taste sweet because the results fermentasi.Peuyeum made ​​from raw materials that would help in the fermentation because microorganisms Saccharomyces cerivisiae that converts carbohydrates ( fructose and glucose ) into alcohol and karbondioksida.Iwal from Saccharomyces cerivisiae are other microorganisms such Mucorchlamidosporus Endomycopsisfibuligeraanu and help change the starch into sugar ( glucose ) . Material bohemian vary depending on the needs , can use sticky rice or sampeu.Peuyeum made ​​of glutinous rice and glutinous rice called bohemian made ​​of cassava called Peuyeum Ketan Sampeu .

2. Karedok


Karedok or keredok is typical regional food in Indonesia . Karedok made with raw vegetable materials , among others ; cucumber , bean sprouts , cabbage , beans, basil , and eggplant . While the sauce is peanut sauce made ​​from red chili , garlic , kencur , beans soil, water, acid , sugar , salt and shrimp paste

3. Mie Kocok Bandung ( Bandung Shake Noodle )

Mie Kocok

The food is made ​​from yellow noodles and bean sprouts , which were given soup the heat of the broth that tasted fat cow foot and by toping kaskus small pieces . It feels hot and fresh , and if you are a lover just add the spicy sauce that will make the tongue and our forehead sweating .

4. Perkedel Bondon (Potato Cake)

Perkedel Bondon
Potato cakes are cooked or fried on the stove fire , and to fuel to light the fire / flames using wood or charcoal. Maybe how to cook is what makes these cakes so hot and delicious served hot with the sauce alone is enough to rice as a side dish to accompany a meal.

5. Lotek

Lotek is almost equal to pecel , ie foods such as vegetable stew freshly watered dressing in the form of peanut sauce blended seasonings . Its uniqueness , as a material often peanut sauce on the side added tempeh and the marinade is added shrimp paste, brown sugar , and garlic. In general , lotek sweeter than pecel . In addition , if pecel sauce seasoning already premixed , for lotek newly added spice when it would be served . lotek can served with rice cake or warm , accompanied by crackers and fried onions.

6. Tahu Bulat (Round Tahu)

Tahu bulat

recently there sala of the specialties of the latest western Java , known as Tahubulat . Tahubulat much like Cimol but the difference is its round shape . the unique thing done by the seller knows round by singing "tahu bulat, digoreng dimobil, 500an,halal,gurih gurih nyooi" . then the song became very popular sales and increasing sales tahubulat

7. Cimol


Cimol are snacks made ​​from starch . Cimol derived from the word ( Sundanese aci digemol ) , which means that starch is made whole. Cimol usually sold on the roadside. How to make , starch flour dough is made round , then fried . Typically , Cimol eaten with additional spices (termed a kind of seasoning ) . If bitten , it is rather chewy - chewy . The most delicious when eaten warm.

8. Surabi Bandung

Surabi Bandung

Food is sometimes called srabi or surabi is one snacks or snacks that originated from Indonesia . Pancake similar to pancakes ( Pannekoek or Pannenkoek ) but are made of rice flour ( not flour ) and given a liquid sauce sweet ( Usually of coconut sugar ) . This Kuah vary by county Indonesia. The area is famous for serabinya cake is Jakarta , Bandung , Solo , Pekalongan and Purwokerto , each of which has uniqueness.

9. Comro

Food is sometimes referred to as combro or Gamet is a typical food from West Java . Combro made ​​from grated cassava formed round the inside is filled with chili oncom then fried , because that is named combro which stands oncom in jero ( Sundanese ( But its traditional name combro not comro ) , means: oncom inside , as well as with the GEMET short dage dage within the meaning saemet which means less more of the same . The food is more delicious eaten while still warm.

10. Misro


as the name Misro = amis dijero = sweet inside
Which is a typical food of West Java. Made from grated Cassava is the inside filled with brown sugar and then fried , because that is named Misro which stands fishy in jero ( Sundanese , meaning : sweet on the inside) . The shape is round . This food delicious eaten warm moments .

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