Rabu, 15 Juni 2016

Original Food Aceh Indonesia

Aceh (AcehneseAcèhJawiاچيه‎DutchAtjeh or AchehIndonesianProvinsi Aceh) is a special region of Indonesia. The territory is located at the northern end of Sumatra. Its capital is Banda Aceh. It is close to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India and separated from them by the Andaman Sea.
Aceh has substantial natural resources, Including oil and natural gas ; some estimates put Aceh gas reserves as being the Reviews largest in the world . Relative to most of Indonesia , it is a religiously conservative area . It has the highest proportion of Muslims in Indonesia , who mostly live According to Sharia customs and laws.
Many unique food that is very popular in the province. example:

1. Manisan Pala (candied nutmeg)

Candied nutmeg is one kind of typical food of Aceh , and is also a snack belonging to the group of candied fruit . The business of making candied nutmegs not require difficult technology and to make it quite easy , therefore it is easy to do business by new entrepreneurs .
Making candied nutmeg is generally conducted by small entrepreneurs in regions nutmeg . South Aceh district is the largest nutmeg commodity -producing districts in Aceh and even on the island of Sumatra . Candied fruit nutmeg including household industries that are often found in South Aceh District . In addition to sweets and processed into syrup , nutmeg can be made also a highly nutritious nutmeg oil to treat wounds. Even now , cakes and confectionery can be made from nutmeg.
Manisan Pala

Candied nutmeg in addition to snacks that are served during the celebration of holy days of Eid and New Year for the local community can also be used as souvenirs for tourists who visit this area

2. Sanger

Kind beverage that only exist in Aceh . Sanger or also often called Sanger coffee is generally similar to capucino , but in my opinion is much more delicious coffee this Sanger . In addition, if we see a glimpse of the Sanger This is looking like regular milk coffee , but if we observe from the taste , Sanger 's coffee has a very unique and different from other coffee flavors .
Capuccino Sanger Drink

Indeed, from the first Aceh is famous for the typical coffee filter / her attraction . For the true coffee lovers would soon be able to feel the difference , if already feeling the Aceh coffee . The most famous stall in presenting these types of drinks are stalls Solong in Ulee Kareng and Chek Yuke in the Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman , Banda Aceh . In addition , almost every street in Banda Aceh we will certainly encounter many coffee shops , hangout of all ages .

3. Pisang Sale (Sale Bananas)

Bananas are quite important horticultural crops for health . Ripe banana can be processed various kinds of food one is disale sale alias bananas , banana sale has long been recognized as a traditional food area , one of which is typical of Aceh many bananas sale East Aceh region which is the center of the banana sale for the Aceh region .
Pisang Sale
Sale bananas typical of Aceh , the manufacturing process is bananas ripe peeled skin and dried dipanas sun , after it's done penyaleaan / fumigation so the banana sale more durable , so lubricated / coated in sugar cane ( not sugar ) , bananas sale has the aroma and a distinctive flavor . The color is brownish , slightly shiny little to make us want to taste it .
Bananas sale is snacks indatu people of Aceh since the days past, which has become a souvenir of Aceh. Sale bananas can be eaten or fried with flour first .

4. Kembang Loyang

Kembang is made from bread flour mixed with sugar and eggs as well as starch milk . This dough stirring until blended and then mold Kembang Loyang dipped in batter and then fried in a frying pan .
Kembang Loyang
These cakes are often encountered when there is celebration event , do not miss too dipelosok outlying villages in Aceh cakes are very loyal to accompany the great days of the religion , such as the time of Eid, and the match enjoyed during that time relaxing with family.

5. Lepat

Lepat , the food is made from glutinous rice flour stuffed with brown sugar until smooth , then wrapped in banana leaves and in the center was given the grated coconut that has been in gongseng with sugar in called core then steamed until done . Special Lepat served on certain days in the Gayo people , especially ahead of the fasting ( holding ) and Eid , the food is durable if in asapi can last up to 2 weeks .

6. Rujak Aceh Samalanga

Rujak Aceh Samalanga , so called because Rujak Aceh is certainly prevalent in Aceh until dipelosok country sides . Samalanga is one kecataman contained in Bireuen district .
Rujak Aceh Samalanga
Rujak uniqueness of Aceh in general has its merits located on taste sour , sweet and spicy . The materials used are relatively the same as the manufacture of salad in general , consisting of mango , papaya , kedondong , yam , guava , pineapple and cucumber , but the spices used , has its own characteristics such as salt , chilli rawet , tamarind , palm sugar ( red ) liquid , peanut and banana monkey ( banana stone ) or thatch ( bark Aceh ).
What's interesting about this salad Samalanga Aceh , on top of a large pestle and mortar made ​​of stone that can accommodate to 50 servings of salad , there is also a pestle and mortar used is usually made ​​of teak . The way of presentation salad usually are ddilakukan in two ways : first placed in a second plate and placed on a banana leaf . Buyers who eat at stalls , usually provided in the plate , while the take home , usually wrapped in banana leaves which would be its own characteristics

7. Keumamah

Keumamah often called the wooden fish is a traditional food of Aceh and Aceh specialties most in demand by the people of Aceh . Besides having a delicious and unique taste , the fish is made of tuna that has been boiled , then dried and cut into small slices.
Ordinary cooked using coconut milk , potatoes , green chilies and other spices . Wooden fish is durable to take long trips , so it can be used as stock in transit. During the Aceh war against the Dutch in the forest , type of food is very famous because it is very easy to carry and cooked . Other names are katshiobushi .

8. Kue Bhoi (Bhoi Cake)

Bhoi cake is a typical food of Aceh Besar, known by the people of Aceh . This cake is very varied shape , such as a fish, stars, flowers , and others . This Bhoi cake can make one of the fruits hand when going to visit relatives or neighbors who held a celebration or a party , such as circumcision and birth .
Bhoi Cake
Bhoi cake is also used as one of the contents of the parcel seserahan brought by the bridegroom to the bride at the wedding ceremony.
Bhoi cake itself is usually obtained in traditional markets or ordered directly on the manufacturer. The process of making this Bhoi cake was quite a bit complicated . Because, not everyone can make this culinary and it takes patience and perseverance .

9. Meuseukat

Meuseukat is one of Aceh's traditional cake or pineapple dodol typical sort of Aceh . Meuseukat made ​​from wheat flour and mix of pineapple , a unique blend with a distinctive flavor . Meuseukat very rarely found in the market - traditional markets and sometimes must be booked in advance .

If earlier meuseukat often taken at the wedding of Aceh , now meuseukat can also serve as a souvenir when visiting Aceh .

10. Bohromrom

Boh rom rom
Bohromrom or also known as Duek beudeh boh cake , this cake made ​​of glutinous rice wrapped with grated coconut . How to make it very easy . Combine the glutinous rice flour , salt and hot water . Mix well. Pour cold water , stirring until batter is smooth . Take a teaspoon of dough with a filling material that is sugar. Round and heat water with pandan leaves to boil . Put the mixture , lift , roll over the grated coconut and serve.

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