Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Original Food West Java

If you vacation in western Java , it could not hurt you taste the typical food of the area. West Java other than the famous Sundanese and peyeum Bandung , there are also regional specialties is very special and is very famous . The following is a sample of 10 western Java cuisine :

1. Peyeum Bandung


Peuyeum a traditional Indonesian food , taste sweet because the results fermentasi.Peuyeum made ​​from raw materials that would help in the fermentation because microorganisms Saccharomyces cerivisiae that converts carbohydrates ( fructose and glucose ) into alcohol and karbondioksida.Iwal from Saccharomyces cerivisiae are other microorganisms such Mucorchlamidosporus Endomycopsisfibuligeraanu and help change the starch into sugar ( glucose ) . Material bohemian vary depending on the needs , can use sticky rice or sampeu.Peuyeum made ​​of glutinous rice and glutinous rice called bohemian made ​​of cassava called Peuyeum Ketan Sampeu .

2. Karedok


Karedok or keredok is typical regional food in Indonesia . Karedok made with raw vegetable materials , among others ; cucumber , bean sprouts , cabbage , beans, basil , and eggplant . While the sauce is peanut sauce made ​​from red chili , garlic , kencur , beans soil, water, acid , sugar , salt and shrimp paste

3. Mie Kocok Bandung ( Bandung Shake Noodle )

Mie Kocok

The food is made ​​from yellow noodles and bean sprouts , which were given soup the heat of the broth that tasted fat cow foot and by toping kaskus small pieces . It feels hot and fresh , and if you are a lover just add the spicy sauce that will make the tongue and our forehead sweating .

4. Perkedel Bondon (Potato Cake)

Perkedel Bondon
Potato cakes are cooked or fried on the stove fire , and to fuel to light the fire / flames using wood or charcoal. Maybe how to cook is what makes these cakes so hot and delicious served hot with the sauce alone is enough to rice as a side dish to accompany a meal.

5. Lotek

Lotek is almost equal to pecel , ie foods such as vegetable stew freshly watered dressing in the form of peanut sauce blended seasonings . Its uniqueness , as a material often peanut sauce on the side added tempeh and the marinade is added shrimp paste, brown sugar , and garlic. In general , lotek sweeter than pecel . In addition , if pecel sauce seasoning already premixed , for lotek newly added spice when it would be served . lotek can served with rice cake or warm , accompanied by crackers and fried onions.

6. Tahu Bulat (Round Tahu)

Tahu bulat

recently there sala of the specialties of the latest western Java , known as Tahubulat . Tahubulat much like Cimol but the difference is its round shape . the unique thing done by the seller knows round by singing "tahu bulat, digoreng dimobil, 500an,halal,gurih gurih nyooi" . then the song became very popular sales and increasing sales tahubulat

7. Cimol


Cimol are snacks made ​​from starch . Cimol derived from the word ( Sundanese aci digemol ) , which means that starch is made whole. Cimol usually sold on the roadside. How to make , starch flour dough is made round , then fried . Typically , Cimol eaten with additional spices (termed a kind of seasoning ) . If bitten , it is rather chewy - chewy . The most delicious when eaten warm.

8. Surabi Bandung

Surabi Bandung

Food is sometimes called srabi or surabi is one snacks or snacks that originated from Indonesia . Pancake similar to pancakes ( Pannekoek or Pannenkoek ) but are made of rice flour ( not flour ) and given a liquid sauce sweet ( Usually of coconut sugar ) . This Kuah vary by county Indonesia. The area is famous for serabinya cake is Jakarta , Bandung , Solo , Pekalongan and Purwokerto , each of which has uniqueness.

9. Comro

Food is sometimes referred to as combro or Gamet is a typical food from West Java . Combro made ​​from grated cassava formed round the inside is filled with chili oncom then fried , because that is named combro which stands oncom in jero ( Sundanese ( But its traditional name combro not comro ) , means: oncom inside , as well as with the GEMET short dage dage within the meaning saemet which means less more of the same . The food is more delicious eaten while still warm.

10. Misro


as the name Misro = amis dijero = sweet inside
Which is a typical food of West Java. Made from grated Cassava is the inside filled with brown sugar and then fried , because that is named Misro which stands fishy in jero ( Sundanese , meaning : sweet on the inside) . The shape is round . This food delicious eaten warm moments .

Rabu, 15 Juni 2016

Original Food South Sumatera

besides famous for the bridge Ampera and its Kemaro Island . turns Palembang has a wide variety of typical food that could spoil the tongue of the audience .
during this time many people know pempek are foods derived from Palembang , but it turned out not only that . a lot of typical food that you can taste when visiting the town palembang.oleh because it could not hurt to know some of these unique culinary Palembang .

1. Pempek Palembang

Pempek is made from basic ingredients of fish and sago starch , and we can vary the time by adding additional ingredients such as tofu , eggs , shrimp , and egg shells to suit our tastes . to add to its enjoyment , pempek usually served with vinegar sauce or in a language called the cuko palembang made ​​from brown sugar , garlic , cayenne pepper , salt , and we can add the shrimp ebi .
Pempek Palembang

Palembang community has successfully developed the basic materials into many different types with varying pempek stuffing or other additives such as eggs , fish skin , or out on the base material
pempek too many variants including pepperoni pizzas , pempek lenjer , pempek curly , pempek circumstances , pempek skin , pempek know , pempek pistel , pempek shrimp , pempek lenggang , deep-dish pizzas , sides and pempek pempek brain - the brain .

2. TekWan


the food is no less delicious one of pempek know. tekwan made ​​of material similar to that pempek diging fish and sago round shaped into small pieces and served with shrimp broth as a soup , seldri , fried onions , a sprinkling of green onion and mushroom and vermicelli as tasty pelengkap.lebih enjoy this tekwan when hot and spicy . wow it felt really pokoknya.mantap ! definitely addicted smokers .

3. Model


the food is actually similar to tekwan but the basic ingredients of fish flesh and sago shaped like pempek know then cut to small and plus shrimp broth as a soup as well as a complementary glass noodles . The model also has two variants, namely Model Fish ( Model Iwak ) and Wheat Model ( Model Gendum ) .As a complementary model is presented with a mix , cucumber , shrimp , oyster mushrooms, fried onions and rice noodles or glass noodles bahakan nothing to add vinegar in the dressing models in order tasted more delicious

4. LakSan


Laksan still like Palembang traditional foods are made of corn starch and fish just a pempek lenjer laksan thick thick cut crosswise and eaten with gravy average santan.wow! turns everything made ​​from corn starch and fish yeaa.

5. Celimpungan


Still like the others , even celimpungan glance similar to laksan , it's just that mebedakannya is a flat round shape larger than tekwan . Served with coconut milk mixed with garlic , turmeric , onion, salt , bay leaves and pepper , so creamy coconut gravy tasted delicious .

6. Kemplang


Kemplang is a savory crackers and crisp , based as pempek lenjer , thinly sliced ​​and then dried in the sun to dry , after dry kemplang cooked fried or baked until very crispy mengembang.kerupuk is usually eaten with chili black that have a spicy flavor feels solid.

7. Martabak Har

Martabak Har

Martabak HAR is a typical food coming from India were brought by Haji Abdul Razak . Flour-based , by duck egg and chicken eggs , broth made ​​from goat curry mixed kentang.walaupn came from india but martabak har martabak palembang This is different from india , martabak Palembang has a crisper skin martabak

8. Kue Maksuba

Kue Maksuba

Palembang typical cake made ​​this one of the main ingredients of duck eggs and condensed milk manis.Dalam making eggs needed can reach about 28 grains . The dough is then processed like a layer cake batter . It feels good , sweet and legit.konon reportedly cake is believed to be one of the Palembang Sultanate palace dish often served as a dish for the guest of honor . but often also encountered throughout palembang during the holidays .

9. Tempoyak


Tempoyak , Palembang traditional foods are made from durian meat sauteed along with sliced ​​chillies and onions , shaped like a sauce and usually eaten as a food supplement , it is unique and tasty gurih.paling if eaten with boiled catfish .

10. Kue Srikayo

Kue Srikayo

Green cake is made of eggs and pandan leaf and the taste is manis.Kue this srikaya has a shape similar to a pudding and eaten accompanied by white glutinous and very delicious when eaten when cold .

11. Es Kacang Merah (Read Bean Ice)

Es Kacang Merah

If already cobain everything , now mandatory nih enjoying a bowl of red bean ice typical of Palembang . Many vendors also provide red bean ice with varied flavors . As bean texture is soft, medium or hard bit . Also mixed with coconut milk and palm sugar . pempek sellers usually sell ice ini.mantap definitely great!

Original Food West Sumatera

West Sumatra is one of the provinces in Sumatra island of Indonesia . If you traveled to the West Sumatra do not forget to sample the cuisine of food and drink typical Minangkabau . For reference here's some food and drinks typical of traditional origin of western Sumatra . below are examples of foods and beverages that we must try when traveling to West Sumatra.

1. Rendang

food from the Province of West Sumatra is one of the typical cuisine of the country that are very tasty and can be stored one week to four weeks. Why can last so long ? because Rendang is a dish containing spices are rich , and not much gravy as well as delicious eaten with rice.

In addition to the basic ingredients of meat , rendang uses coconut milk ( Karambia ) , and a mixture of various spices typical smoothed among chili ( lado ) , lemongrass , galangal , turmeric , ginger , garlic , onion and various spices which are commonly referred to as cookers , The uniqueness rendang is the use of natural ingredients , which are antiseptic and kill pathogenic bacteria that act as a natural preservative . Garlic , onion , ginger , and ginger are known to have strong antimicrobial activity .
Rendang or randang is spicy flavor of meat dishes which use a mixture of various herbs and spices . This cuisine is generated from heated cooking process repeated with coconut milk . Cooking process takes many hours ( usually about four hours ) to dry and solid black . At room temperature , rendang can last for weeks . Rendang is cooked in a shorter time and coconut milk called kalio not dry , light golden brown .
One characteristic of rendang dishes are cooked on a large scale , namely when entering the fasting month of Ramadan , Eid , the feast of Eid al-Adha . Can be found on the big day in the Pariaman area , Bukittinggi , stone cage , Nagari Pariangan , Padang , Padang Panjang , Pasaman , and other areas boast .

2. Sate Padang, Sate Pariaman, Sate Padang Panjang

Similar to other areas of West Sumatra archipelago also has a special satay dishes . Sate Padang is a reference to one of three variants in the West , namely Sate Padang , Padang Panjang and Sate Sate Pariaman . Sate Padang use of beef , tongue , or jerohan ( heart , intestine , and tetelan ) thick peanut sauce with herbs ( like porridge ) plus chili that much so it was spicy .
Sate Padang

Sate Padang long satay sauce distinguished by its yellow color , while the sate pariaman red sauce ( spicy ) . The taste of both types of satay is also different . While the sate Padang has a variety of flavor combination of the two variants of the satay .
Sate itself only burned when ordered , using charcoal from coconut shell . Eaten in warm , usually coupled with chips balado Minang . Some satay sellers are well known by the public Minang or nomads whom are Sate Mak Syukur Padang Panjang , Sate Dangung - Dangung , and Sate KMS.

3. Sala Lauak

If you travel to West Sumatra , you will regret it if it does not go to Pariaman , for what ? Because there is no typical food Sala Lauak . What 's sala lauak ? Sala lauak is round-shaped Fried made ​​from raw materials anchovies are mashed and mixed together rice flour dough spiced with garlic . Sala of this type has a textured outer bit hard and the inside is softer .
Sala Lauak

Sala lauak generally presented as a complement to dishes when a full breakfast. The main dish is usually served with sala lauak include goulash rhombus . Unique flavor , making this culinary become a typical breakfast menu Pariaman City.

4. Katan Durian

Besides food rendang , satay padang dendeng and it turns out there again the food was not inferior to try during a trip to the West Sumatra is Katan Durian . Who does not know the durian fruit , fruit spiked sharply with the contents very tasty tempting whole people to try it.
Katan Durian

Katan is processed glutinous rice steamed until cooked . In the process of steaming glutinous rice added sliced ​​so fragrant pandan leaves .
In the presentation along with durian , Katan sprinkled with grated coconut was added refined salt to taste . Durian fruit is peeled served on a plate with Katan and grated coconut .
durian fruit sweetness and soft sweet nan eaten along with the savory Katan will be able to shake up the tongue of the who aten.

5. Lamang

Lamang is typical food from West Sumatra glutinous rice cooked with coconut milk in bamboo shoots . Its main ingredient is white glutinous rice , coconut milk , pandan leaf , and a pinch of salt .

Glutinous rice washed clean once and entered into the segment of young bamboo is first coated it with banana leaves then just poured milk into rice and burned with fire, guarded lest joints of bamboo burning way of seeing the maturation is the color of bamboo green to dark colors yellowish.
The food was typical with the presentation of a unique yet delicious flavors and savory . Various lemang include: lamang Katan and banana lamang easily found in traditional markets .

6. Galamai

Galamai is a kind of dodol snacks or porridge growing in Payakumbuh , West Sumatra Province . Besides in Payakumbuh , these snacks are also found in various places in West Sumatra , among others Solok , Pariaman and Pasaman . The mention of this cuisine also varies in each region . Among other things , galamai , kalamai , calamai and gelamai .

Food this one is made from glutinous rice flour ( sticky rice ) , palm sugar , and coconut milk . The third type of material is cooked in a large pot to form clumps of clay and brown. These clots will be cut and shaped prior to the cold dough.
3-4 hours throughout the cooking process , the dough galamai above should not stop stirring the cauldron with the flame must be really fit . Therefore , the quality of galamai produced is determined by the shrewdness and experience of the person who made ​​it.

7. Palai Rinuak

Palai rinuak is the typical dishes of the area Maninjau Agam West Sumatra , Palai rinuak made ​​from fish rinuak given herbs and grated coconut then wrapped in banana leaves and then steamed , palai meaning pepes language minang and rinuak is a kind of fish about the size of matchsticks are numerous in the lake maninjau , fish flavor rinuak very tasteful and we will not see him aside in Maninjau , but fish rinuak can we replace with anchovies if we are hard to find , For you fans of fish dishes should Menco palai rinuak is guaranteed not to be sorry palai rinuak typical to this .
Palai Rinuak
Processed rinuak actually very much , from the usual fried , fried Balado , dipalai ( dipepes ) , made ​​so godok - godok ( fried ) , digulai , and many other kinds of processed rinuak . Rinuak snacks can only be enjoyed in Maninjau West Sumatra Province .

8. Teh Talua

Talua tea or tea egg is a typical drink of West Sumatra which is mandatory menu in traditional stalls and restaurants Padang . This drink consists of a mixture of tea , sugar and eggs and a little lime juice . Eggs are used usually is a chicken egg because it is based on research egg contains a lot of protein to boost energy.
Teh Talua
Talua tea usually taken by farmers who want meladang , as a stamina enhancer work . If you traveled to the West Sumatra , take your time to try teh talua . It is suitable in the drink during the morning and evening.

9. Dendeng Batokok

Dendeng Batokok is typical of West Sumatra cuisine made ​​from thin, wide slices of dried beef and fried dry. The meat is then flavored fried Balado .
Dendeng Batokok

10. Gulai Tauco

Gulai Tauco or commonly known as goulash Toco is one of the Typical Areas Minang cuisine that uses as flavorings tauco her .
Gulai Tauco
The vegetables used in this cuisine are beans , with additional pieces of shrimp , tofu and tempeh dishes were delicious and healthy

Original Food Aceh Indonesia

Aceh (AcehneseAcèhJawiاچيه‎DutchAtjeh or AchehIndonesianProvinsi Aceh) is a special region of Indonesia. The territory is located at the northern end of Sumatra. Its capital is Banda Aceh. It is close to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India and separated from them by the Andaman Sea.
Aceh has substantial natural resources, Including oil and natural gas ; some estimates put Aceh gas reserves as being the Reviews largest in the world . Relative to most of Indonesia , it is a religiously conservative area . It has the highest proportion of Muslims in Indonesia , who mostly live According to Sharia customs and laws.
Many unique food that is very popular in the province. example:

1. Manisan Pala (candied nutmeg)

Candied nutmeg is one kind of typical food of Aceh , and is also a snack belonging to the group of candied fruit . The business of making candied nutmegs not require difficult technology and to make it quite easy , therefore it is easy to do business by new entrepreneurs .
Making candied nutmeg is generally conducted by small entrepreneurs in regions nutmeg . South Aceh district is the largest nutmeg commodity -producing districts in Aceh and even on the island of Sumatra . Candied fruit nutmeg including household industries that are often found in South Aceh District . In addition to sweets and processed into syrup , nutmeg can be made also a highly nutritious nutmeg oil to treat wounds. Even now , cakes and confectionery can be made from nutmeg.
Manisan Pala

Candied nutmeg in addition to snacks that are served during the celebration of holy days of Eid and New Year for the local community can also be used as souvenirs for tourists who visit this area

2. Sanger

Kind beverage that only exist in Aceh . Sanger or also often called Sanger coffee is generally similar to capucino , but in my opinion is much more delicious coffee this Sanger . In addition, if we see a glimpse of the Sanger This is looking like regular milk coffee , but if we observe from the taste , Sanger 's coffee has a very unique and different from other coffee flavors .
Capuccino Sanger Drink

Indeed, from the first Aceh is famous for the typical coffee filter / her attraction . For the true coffee lovers would soon be able to feel the difference , if already feeling the Aceh coffee . The most famous stall in presenting these types of drinks are stalls Solong in Ulee Kareng and Chek Yuke in the Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman , Banda Aceh . In addition , almost every street in Banda Aceh we will certainly encounter many coffee shops , hangout of all ages .

3. Pisang Sale (Sale Bananas)

Bananas are quite important horticultural crops for health . Ripe banana can be processed various kinds of food one is disale sale alias bananas , banana sale has long been recognized as a traditional food area , one of which is typical of Aceh many bananas sale East Aceh region which is the center of the banana sale for the Aceh region .
Pisang Sale
Sale bananas typical of Aceh , the manufacturing process is bananas ripe peeled skin and dried dipanas sun , after it's done penyaleaan / fumigation so the banana sale more durable , so lubricated / coated in sugar cane ( not sugar ) , bananas sale has the aroma and a distinctive flavor . The color is brownish , slightly shiny little to make us want to taste it .
Bananas sale is snacks indatu people of Aceh since the days past, which has become a souvenir of Aceh. Sale bananas can be eaten or fried with flour first .

4. Kembang Loyang

Kembang is made from bread flour mixed with sugar and eggs as well as starch milk . This dough stirring until blended and then mold Kembang Loyang dipped in batter and then fried in a frying pan .
Kembang Loyang
These cakes are often encountered when there is celebration event , do not miss too dipelosok outlying villages in Aceh cakes are very loyal to accompany the great days of the religion , such as the time of Eid, and the match enjoyed during that time relaxing with family.

5. Lepat

Lepat , the food is made from glutinous rice flour stuffed with brown sugar until smooth , then wrapped in banana leaves and in the center was given the grated coconut that has been in gongseng with sugar in called core then steamed until done . Special Lepat served on certain days in the Gayo people , especially ahead of the fasting ( holding ) and Eid , the food is durable if in asapi can last up to 2 weeks .

6. Rujak Aceh Samalanga

Rujak Aceh Samalanga , so called because Rujak Aceh is certainly prevalent in Aceh until dipelosok country sides . Samalanga is one kecataman contained in Bireuen district .
Rujak Aceh Samalanga
Rujak uniqueness of Aceh in general has its merits located on taste sour , sweet and spicy . The materials used are relatively the same as the manufacture of salad in general , consisting of mango , papaya , kedondong , yam , guava , pineapple and cucumber , but the spices used , has its own characteristics such as salt , chilli rawet , tamarind , palm sugar ( red ) liquid , peanut and banana monkey ( banana stone ) or thatch ( bark Aceh ).
What's interesting about this salad Samalanga Aceh , on top of a large pestle and mortar made ​​of stone that can accommodate to 50 servings of salad , there is also a pestle and mortar used is usually made ​​of teak . The way of presentation salad usually are ddilakukan in two ways : first placed in a second plate and placed on a banana leaf . Buyers who eat at stalls , usually provided in the plate , while the take home , usually wrapped in banana leaves which would be its own characteristics

7. Keumamah

Keumamah often called the wooden fish is a traditional food of Aceh and Aceh specialties most in demand by the people of Aceh . Besides having a delicious and unique taste , the fish is made of tuna that has been boiled , then dried and cut into small slices.
Ordinary cooked using coconut milk , potatoes , green chilies and other spices . Wooden fish is durable to take long trips , so it can be used as stock in transit. During the Aceh war against the Dutch in the forest , type of food is very famous because it is very easy to carry and cooked . Other names are katshiobushi .

8. Kue Bhoi (Bhoi Cake)

Bhoi cake is a typical food of Aceh Besar, known by the people of Aceh . This cake is very varied shape , such as a fish, stars, flowers , and others . This Bhoi cake can make one of the fruits hand when going to visit relatives or neighbors who held a celebration or a party , such as circumcision and birth .
Bhoi Cake
Bhoi cake is also used as one of the contents of the parcel seserahan brought by the bridegroom to the bride at the wedding ceremony.
Bhoi cake itself is usually obtained in traditional markets or ordered directly on the manufacturer. The process of making this Bhoi cake was quite a bit complicated . Because, not everyone can make this culinary and it takes patience and perseverance .

9. Meuseukat

Meuseukat is one of Aceh's traditional cake or pineapple dodol typical sort of Aceh . Meuseukat made ​​from wheat flour and mix of pineapple , a unique blend with a distinctive flavor . Meuseukat very rarely found in the market - traditional markets and sometimes must be booked in advance .

If earlier meuseukat often taken at the wedding of Aceh , now meuseukat can also serve as a souvenir when visiting Aceh .

10. Bohromrom

Boh rom rom
Bohromrom or also known as Duek beudeh boh cake , this cake made ​​of glutinous rice wrapped with grated coconut . How to make it very easy . Combine the glutinous rice flour , salt and hot water . Mix well. Pour cold water , stirring until batter is smooth . Take a teaspoon of dough with a filling material that is sugar. Round and heat water with pandan leaves to boil . Put the mixture , lift , roll over the grated coconut and serve.

Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

original food North Sumatra

representatives of different cultures and interesting kaleidescop life in Indonesia. North Sumatra has the magic that can realize the desire of your travel. there is the largest lake in Southeast Asia ( Lake Toba ) and also you can adventure in Bukit Lawang inhabited by a group of orang utan.

culture in North Sumatra is very unique , quaint and charming . North Sumatra Batak tribes inhabited by people who still holds the sublime teachings of their ancestors . culture and traditions of western Sumatra can be found at several indigenous villages that offer real face of North Sumatra

As for the typical food of North Sumatra that is still popular and original . example :

1. Kue Ombus-Ombus (Ombus-Ombus Cake)

2. Itak Gurgur

3. Dengke mas na niura

4. Dali ni horbo

5. Manuk napinadar

6. Sambal tuktuk

7. Saksang

8. Mie gomak

9. Arsik

10. Daun ubi tumbuk (mashed potato leaves)